Should 44 hour work weeks be considered part-time? Probably.

As I was sipping my latte at Starbucks, I couldn’t help but overhear a group of college-aged baristas bemoaning their arduous 32-hour workweeks while juggling their studies.

What I witnessed was a shocking display of entitlement and a clear indication of the brainwashing that plagues today’s teenagers. The future generation is doomed if they can’t handle a mere 32 hours of work on top of their other commitments.

“Woah! Consume Product!”

Enough is enough! It’s time to redefine part-time employment, and what better way than to advocate for a 44-hour workweek as the new standard? Those who work less than 60 hours a week simply aren’t worth the time of anyone worthwhile and surely get legt on attention. It’s time to weed out the weak and prioritize those w ho are willing to put in the extra effort.

By embracing a 44-hour workweek, we would witness a profound shift in productivity and dedication. Companies would thrive as their employees pour their energy into their work, leaving no room for laziness or complacency. Let’s obliterate the notion that a shorter workweek is acceptable or commendable.

Work real hard and forget about your family, and in 17 years, too, could be making as much money as Rubio del mon Vector, the CEO of McDonalds

In conclusion, it’s time for a reality check. A 32-hour workweek should be a cause for celebration, not complaint. Let’s redefine part-time employment and push for a 44-hour workweek. Only those who are willing to go the extra mile deserve recognition and rewards. It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff and propel our society towards unparalleled success.

13 thoughts on “Should 44 hour work weeks be considered part-time? Probably.

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